
Refurbished computers for Africa

Gladys Muhunyo

Gladys Muhunyo is Africa Programme Manager at Computer Aid International and oversees an expanding programme of work in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. “Having previously worked for organisations that received PCs from Computer Aid, I knew that they were of the highest quality available”, she comments, “so I was delighted to be given the opportunity to contribute to the effort as the Programme Manager for Africa. Supplying over 80,000 professionally refurbished PCs is a remarkable practical achievement for a not-for-profit organisation, and I look forward to making my personal contribution toward a dramatic increase in the provision of affordable ICTs in education and social development across East Africa.”

eLA: What does Computer Aid International do and what is your role within the organisation?

Gladys Muhunyo: “Computer Aid International is a UK-based charity whose role is to provide professionally refurbished computers for ICT for Development (ICD4D) in developing countries. My role in the organisation is to oversee the expanding work in Africa in conjunction with regional programme officers, to manage programme tasks, and to coordinate with partners in western, central, eastern, and southern Africa. In addition to identifying educational institutions and any not-for-profit programmes that require professionally refurbished PCs, we get involved in the sustainability models of beneficiary programmes.”

eLA: How many computers have been distributed by CAI so far?

Gladys Muhunyo: “Computer Aid International has provided over 80,000 PCs to 105 countries, 75% of which are in Africa. We get Pentium III and IV computers that have been donated by UK organisations and charities, which are continuously purchasing newer machines.

While phone access has rapidly increased in the past decade in the less-developed economies – around a third of people there have now access to phones – PC ownership and Internet usage is rising much more slowly. Less than four percent of the people in Africa use the Internet.

The cost of a PC is often prohibitive for many in the developing world. The Information Society Report 2006 states that a computer can cost the equivalent of up to eight years’ income for an average person in Bangladesh, compared to less than a month’s salary for the average North American.

CAI provides a solution to this problem by sourcing donations of PCs from businesses for re-use in developing countries.”

eLA: To which countries have the PCs gone?

Gladys Muhunyo: “Approximately half of these PCs have gone to schools, providing ICT education to more than a million schoolchildren. We have also provided computers to universities, adult education centres, and to projects for out-of-school youth. In 2006, CAI increased its involvement in e-learning projects as e-learning reaches those who have traditionally found it difficult to access educational opportunities, such as women with young families and people living in remote rural areas. Through our cooperation with Sightsavers International, we have also send computers that are installed with adaptive technologies, thus allowing blind and visually impaired users to access written information or the Internet.

CAI is also working with Africa’s leading health development organisation, AMREF. In the ACCENTURE funded project, we have provided AMREF with 600 computers that have been put in hospitals around Kenya, allowing nurses to take part in an e-learning course.

CAI has sent computers to each of the 36 weather stations around Kenya, as well as Meteorological Offices in other countries. The computers are used to record and analyse weather data collected by the stations. This speeds up the analysis process, and the information on weather can be provided to those who need it, such as farmers, in a short time.”

eLA: How does CAI choose the recipients of the donated computers? Are there any special criteria?

Gladys Muhunyo: “Any not-for-profit organisation or educational institution is eligible to apply for computers from Computer Aid International. Applications can be made directly at www.computeraid.org or through the regional offices. Once approval has been granted, payment of £39 per PC plus shipping costs to the destination are required.”

eLA: How does CAI ensure that applicants really receive only useable technology?

Gladys Muhunyo: “Computer Aid only accepts donations of Pentium III and above. We then completely wipe out any data the machines might contain, refurbish them, and then check them. Only the best are released for distribution to developing countries. This ensures that no unusable equipment leaves London. Any waste is recycled within Europe.”

eLA: What has been your most remarkable experience with working at CAI so far?

Gladys Muhunyo: “It’s been quite rewarding to attain a large-scale distribution of professionally refurbished PCs in Africa over the last two years, but even more positive is the sense of achievement from seeing the impact these computers have had on the projects in which they are deployed. In education, health, meteorology, and agriculture creating solutions that sustain development not only improves livelihood but creates a new dimension to existence. Being part of the delivery and bringing together users with diverse needs is incredible. The experience of being part of an international organisation that works to better its partners in bridging the digital divide is remarkable.

Computer Aid is continuously identifying partners who make affordable educational and development solutions with professionally refurbished PCs available. Computer Aid works with NGOs, school-based networks, women’s organisations, universities and research institutions, governments, and other implementing agencies.”

eLA: Gladys, many thanks for your time.

For more information, please go to the website www.computeraid.org.


  1. Nelson Naanpukin Bimi

    Dear Director/CEO
    I am writing as the ICT coordinator in Ayawaso North Municipal Education office seeking your support to give a slightly used computers.
    Our Municipal Education office a newly and we are lacking these computers and computers devices to enable us performance of duties more efficiently and efficiently.
    Please I would be expecting your favourable response to enable me inform my director of the good news.
    Thanks for your attention,
    Your, sincerely,
    Nelson Naanpukin Bimi

  2. DEMANDE DE PARTENARIAT<<Presentation de l'Organisation(Bref Historique)

    Monsieur le responsable,

    Par la présente, nous voici auprès de votre haute responsabilité en lieu avec le sujet ci-dessus,nous avons l'obligation devenir devant vous pour pouvoir vous présenter notre Organisation.

    Tout d'abord , laisse- nous vous dire c'est par la recherche Google que nous venons de tomber sur votre addresses e-mail.

    En effet nous sommes une organisation non gouvernementale dénomé Fédération Paysanne pour la Protection et la promotion des femmes et enfants en détresse<> en sigle Asbl.Créée en date du 02 mai 2015,en République Démocratique du Congo au Sud- Kivu ,en Territoire de Fizi dans le but de venir en aide aux personnes en détresse dont les femmes et enfants orphélins et handicapés non assistés.

    La FEPROFEDE travaille dans le cadre aux déplacés et aux retournés affectés par les calamités et les conflits au Sud- Kivu et souvent dans le Territoire de Fizi.Grâce à ses rélations efficaces et ses efforts fournis avec ses partenaires locaux,elle aide à atténuer dans les esprits de certaines personnes ,la haine ,le tribalism….Et à mettre fin aux inégalités de genre,à encourager la justice et a maintenir la dignité mais aussi à protéger et intégrer les enfants orphélins et handicapés vulnérables longtemps exclusive dans la communauté.Les programmes d’assistance humanitaires mis en oeuvre favorisent la dignité de toute personne,indépendament des croyances politiques,religiousness ou culturelles.


    1.Mission: La FEPROFEDE a pour mission de réaliser les actions visant à promouvoir la justice socio-économique,la protection,la santé et l’éducation en faveur des fammes et enfants,l’environnement ainsi que valoriser le secteur agricole pour une meilleur production locale.

    2. A.Objectif global:L’objectif global de la FEPROFEDE est de contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie Socio-économique en faveur des femmes et des enfants orphélins et handicapés dans le territoire Fizi-Itombe.

    B.objects Spécifiques:

    -Défendre et promouvoir le droit de la femme et de l’ enfant;
    -Promouvoir l’éducation des jeunes orphélins et handicapés;
    -Assurer l’autonomisation économique de la femme à travers les microcrédits, activités génératrices de revenues et formation professionnelles;
    -Assistances sanitaire aux personnes victimes des maladies chroniques;
    -Sécurités alimentaire pour tous;
    -Protection de l’environnement.
    C.Domaines d’Inteevation:Droits humains,autonomisation économique de la femme,éducation et formation,sécurité alimentaire,santé et environnement.

    3.Vision:”Une société juste sans inégalité”
    Avoir une société juste et un développement durable.

    4.Activités Réalisées: En 2019,dans le domaine de l’éducation,15 enfants orphélins et handicapés déplacés et retournés scolarisés dans les villages de Sebele,Kasaka et Kikonde.

    En 2020, formation de coupe et couture sur 6 enfants handicapés et orphélims déplacés,Création de 2 ateliers de coutures à Sebele et à Fizi Centre

    En 2021, Distribution de boutures et autres semences pour les cultures de maïs,manioc,amarante,choux et tomatoes…

    5.Activités Encours:
    -Scolarisation des 70 enfants orphelins et hamdicapés déplacés et retournés dans les villages suicants:
    Kaseke,Sebele,Buzinba,Kasaka,Kikonde et Fizi Centre;
    -Création de centre informatiques aux enfants orphélins et handicapés déplacés;
    L’alphabétisation des femmes et filles mères violées;
    Cultures de manioc,maïs etc …

    6.Problèmes Rencontrés:
    -Mamque des moyens financière pour supporter tous ces enfants à l’école;
    -Mamque des engins(machines )informatiques nécessaires pour encadrer ces enfants;
    -Insufisance des objets arratoires et autres instruments pour mieux cultivés;
    -Insuffisancw des semances pour mieux produire.

    7.A venir:
    Avoir une société just,protégée et intellectuelle pour la jeunesse de demain.

    8.Notre demande:

    Demande de partenariat

    Monster le responsible,

    Je représente l’Association Fédération Paysanne pour la Protection et la promotion des femmes et enfants en détresse “FEPROFEDE” Asbl,qui a aujourd’hui 7 ans d’existance,a pour objet:
    -Défendre et promouvoir les droits des femmes et enfants des espérer;
    -Assurer l’autonomisation économique de la femme à travers le microcredits activités génératrices de revenus et formation professionelle;
    Promouvoir l’éducation dea jeunes orphelins et handicapés:
    -Faire une assistance sanitaire aux personnes victimes des maladies chroniques;
    -Assurer la protection de l’environnement.

    Dans ce cadre,elle mène les activités suicants:
    .Création des centres informatiques et atéliers de couture pour les enfants orphelins et handicapés;
    .scolarité des enfants orphelins et handicapés déplacés et retournés;
    -L’alphabétisation des femmes et des filles mères violées suite aux conflits armés;
    . Culture de manioc,maïs et jardins potagé etc.

    En plus de cela,nous avons méne des actions de sensibiliser les jeunes orphelins et handicapés vivants des situations difficiles dues aux conflits armés et qui sont poussés à mendier dans la rue pour qu’ils soient encadrés et avoir tous accés à l’éducation.

    Nous nous concentrons avant tous sur le dialogue et la pédagogie ayant pour but de créer I’m climat favorable encore médiatique aux solutions de toutes les problèmatiques.

    Malheuresememt, notre engagement trouve ses limites de financement de nos projet.Si nous arrivons à vous contacté,c’est parceque nous avons eu vos informations à travers la recherche Google,sur ce nous vous appelons à nous aider au temps opportun car vous êtez le premier partenaire de notre association dépuis sa création.

    Nous sommes à la recherche des materiels informatiques,d’équippements d’atélier de couture et aussi nous avons besoin d’argent pour construire nos propres batiments pour développer nos activités.

    C’est en toute transparent que nous vous joignons un album photos qui ilustrent les différents activités que nous avons faites et celles qui sont en cours.

    Restant à votre disposition pourtout renseignant complémentaire,je vous prie d’agréer Monsieur le responsable,mes sincère salutations.

    Nyengele Emile Martine


    We have the honor to come before you to present our organization in order in order to be in partnership with you.Féderation paysanne pour la protection et la promotion des femmes et enfants en détresse “FEPROFEDE in Acronym ” A Non Profit Organization. Created on May 2, 2015, in the Democratic Republic of Congo in South Kivu, in the Territory of Fizi with the aim of helping people in distress, including unassisted women and orphaned and disabled children.

    FEPROFEDE works within the framework of displaced persons and returnees affected by calamities and conflicts in South Kivu and often in the Territory of Fizi. Thanks to its effective relations and its efforts with its local partners, it helps to mitigate spirits of some people, hatred, tribalism….And to end gender inequalities, to encourage justice and maintain dignity but also to protect and integrate vulnerable orphaned and disabled children who have long been excluded in the community. The humanitarian assistance programs implemented promote the dignity of all people, regardless of political, religious or cultural beliefs.

    Goals: 1.Mission: FEPROFEDE’s mission is to carry out actions aimed at promoting socio-economic justice, protection, health and education for women and children, the environment as well as enhancing the agricultural sector for a better local production.

    2. A. Overall objective: The overall objective of FEPROFEDE is to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic living conditions for women and orphaned and disabled children in the Fizi-Itombe territory.
    B. Specific objects: -Defend and promote the rights of women and children; -Promote the education of young orphans and disabled; – Ensure the economic empowerment of women through microcredits, income-generating activities and vocational training; – Health assistance to people who are victims of chronic diseases; -Food security for all; -Environmental Protection.
    C. Areas of Inteevation: Human rights, economic empowerment of women, education and training, food security, health and environment.

    3.Vision:”A just society without inequality” Have a just society and sustainable development.

    4.Activities carried out: In 2019, in the field of education, 15 orphans and disabled children displaced and returned to school in the villages of Sebele, Kasaka and Kikonde. In 2020, cutting and sewing training for 6 disabled children and displaced orphans, Creation of 2sewing workshops in Sebele and Fizi Center In 2021, distribution of cuttings and other seeds for corn, cassava, amaranth, cabbage and tomatoes…

    5. Outstanding Activities: -Schooling of 70 orphaned and handicapped children displaced and returned to suicant villages: Kaseke, Sebele, Buzinba, Kasaka, Kikonde and Fizi Centre; -Creation of computer centers for displaced orphans and disabled children; Literacy for raped women and girl mothers; Cultures of cassava, corn etc …

    6.Problems Encountered: -Lack of financial means to support all these children in school; -Lack of computer equipment (machines) necessary to supervise these children; – Insufficiency of agricultural objects and other instruments for better cultivation; – Insufficient seeds to produce better.

    7.Coming soon: Have a just, protected and intellectual society for the youth of tomorrow.

    8.Our request: Partnership request Monster responsible, I represent the Peasant Federation Association for the Protection and Promotion of Women and Children in Distress “FEPROFEDE” Non profitorganization, which today has 7 years of existence, has for object: -Defend and promote the rights of women and children of children;

    -Ensure the economic empowerment of women through microcredits, income-generating activities and vocational training;

    -Promote the education of orphaned and handicapped young people:

    -Provide health assistance to people who are victims of chronic diseases; -Ensure environmental protection.

    In this context, it carries out the following activities:

    .Creation of computer centers and sewing workshops for orphans and disabled children;

    .schooling of displaced and returned orphans and disabled children;

    -The literacy of women and girl mothers raped following armed conflicts;

    . Cultivation of cassava, corn and vegetable gardens etc.

    In addition to this, we have carried out actions to sensitize young orphans and handicapped living in difficult situations due to armed conflicts and who are forced to beg in the street so that they are supervised and have all access to education. Above all, we focus on dialogue and pedagogy with the aim of creating a climate that is still favorable to the media for solutions to all problems. Unfortunately, our commitment finds its limits in the financing of our projects. at the right time because you have been the first partner of our association since its creation. We are looking for computer materials, sewing workshop equipment and also we need money to build our own buildings to develop our activities. It is in all transparency that we join you a photo album which illustrates thes different activities we have done and those that are ongoing.

    Remaining at your disposal for any additional information, please accept, Mr. Manager, our sincere greetings.

    Nyengele Emile Martine


  3. Ahmed Idris Oluwanifemi

    Hello, my name is Idris, a student of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. I am currently learning graphics design and product design since my school embarked on strike, but I haven’t been able to progress with my learning because I do not have a laptop to carry out tasks and practice what I am being taught. I would really be so glad if you could help me with your donation as it would really help me with my studies and my career growth. Thank you

  4. Allan mukoka

    dear sir /madam. am very much with what you are doing .am a coordinating a community based organization here in solwezi Zambia we are training youth man and women with survivals skills such tailoring ,metal fab computer programs we are doing this for the life sustainable independent life .one thing which is hindering us is tools we are appealing to you for assistance with computers with your assist we be highly apricated very much . community youth foundation organization is working hard to see that this youths have been empowered with skills.

  5. Sileshi Merga

    Hi my darling Gladys Muhunyo, it is really a blessed effort that you are doing in eastern part of Africa. This is because, now a days an education that is no backed by computer skill is no more that a mere counting of letters. Since we Africans are not in a position to equip our schools by making them ourselves, or since we can not afford to have the computers we needed, searching for donors is indespensble, so that our children would be able achieve their dreams at the level they are expected to showcase their skills. I, am Sileshi Merga, a director of Mati Boru School in Ethiopia, where computer skill is very expensive. So, we expect you to let us donated with computers for our 840 students. With respect to any kind of requirements, I am available and thank you for your time.

  6. Am the director of Participate and Save the community welfare(PASACO) NGO in Tanzania.
    And a teacher at HARRISON UWATA GIRLS HIGH school
    How would we get the computers for our school.

  7. Adesina kehinde joseph

    Dear sir/madam I am really in need of a laptop for further studies in programming.

  8. joseph bossom


    • Dear Joseph, thanks so much for your generosity. For donations, the best would be that you contact local associations and foundations. They will have the means and organized structure to send useful material to Africa or any other country in need.

    • Anatoli Kuwebwa

      Hello sir.
      My name is Anatoli from Uganda and a student at Victoria University pursuing bachelor of information technology. I am so passionate at software development however I lack resources like a computer. Your donation of a laptop to me will be of a greater help in my studies and career growth.
      Thank you very much.


      Good evening. I am Sakanyi Rodrick from Mwinilunga Zambia and a teacher by profession handling adult class on a voluntary basis and I only have two desk tops which were given by afrinspire. How best can you support with PC or PCs or any other IT device


    how can I access computers from your organization

    • Annika Burgess

      Dear Mulenga, we do not provide unfortunately any material, software or hardware. We humbly organise the moment and the time for all stakeholders in ICT and learning to get together and discuss new programmes, ideas, projects, and developments.
      We wish you good luck in your endeavour!

  10. Sidney Kawimbe

    Dear Madam
    I am touched with your works. I reside in Zambia and run a small primary School called Neysa School. Our School caters for underprivileged learners that are drawn from the community. Most of them are unable to pay school fees and learn at almost no cost. Our School has only four computers against a learner number of 250. Kindly advise how we can access the computers.
    Sidney Kawimbe
    School Director

  11. Jeremy Likongwe

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am very highly impressed with what you are doing to support Education in Africa. I represent one of the African institutions of higher learning where we also desperately need PCs for our students in a young Private University in Malawi.

    For now, we have a limited number of computers and our students usually waste their precious time waiting for their friends to finish their assignments, before other students can have access to a PC. Through this special opportunity, I would like to inquire from you on how our young University can also access donated computers for this purpose.

    We would greatly appreciate your usual gesture of good will, and this is obviously for the long-term benefit of African students and Africa. I am very anxious to hear from you.

    Yours faithfully,

    Jeremy Likongwe(PhD)

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