

#eLA15 top tweets

In the lead-up, during and after eLearning Africa 2015, the eLA15 hashtag was alive with thousands of people sharing their ideas, opinions and favourite conference moments. See how far the messages reached and who said what in our graphic of #eLA15 top tweets. 


The importance of algorithms in education and development

Algorithms are becoming an increasingly pervasive aspect of everyday life – so much so that a recent UK Council for Science and Technology report described our epoch as the ‘age of algorithms’. Yet despite their prevalence, often providing the driving force behind our usage of a range of products and services from mobile phones to insurance policies, they remain relatively obscure to the general […]


Bringing innovation to the development agenda

The Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States are pleased to announce that a two-day High-Level Symposium on Private Sector Development in ACP countries will take place at the ACP House in Brussels on the 10th and 11th of November, 2014, bringing together various stakeholders including ACP Missions, Embassies and regional economic communities, private sector actors, international organisations and other […]


3D printing drives innovation in Africa

Aortic valves, fighter jets, coral reefs… pizza? Just four of the headline-grabbing products dished out by 3D printers over the last two years. Alongside this dramatic experimentation with a not-so-very-new technology comes the usual round of wild speculation: a 3D printer for every home, the end of manufacturing as we know it; 3D-printed firearms, the end of civilisation as we know it. 3D printers […]


Uganda makes small steps toward eGovernment

In this last edition of the Uganda News Review, Mark Keith Muhumuza takes a look at the technology projects that are slowly but surely changing the face of government in Uganda – as presented at eLearning Africa 2014’s session, “Local Initiatives: Current ICT Projects from Uganda” Piles of manila files are a common scene in Ugandan public services, in the hospitals, land offices and tax […]


Africa unlocked

Opening a window on the continent’s education future The eLearning Africa Report 2014, launched yesterday by the His Excellency Edward Ssekandi, Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, is claiming that Africans working in education are overwhelmingly optimistic about the future. The report follows the publication of the World Bank’s estimate that economic growth across Africa will rise to 5.2 per cent this year, […]


GIZ at eLearning Africa 2014 Kampala, Uganda

Education is Innovation: Opening Frontiers to the Future We live in an information age, an age in which the simple click of a mouse can unveil unceasing innovation. In this digital world, technology can be a catalyst to education, independent of geography, socio-economics, gender, age, and other “qualifying” factors. This innovative environment has made the unknown known, has shattered roadblocks to collaboration and knowledge-sharing, […]


Untapping Ugandan genius

“Facilitating genius” in Uganda is the startup incubator and co-working space Hive Colab, which proudly has over 350 members, who are a part of the group either in person or virtually. by Georgia Gilson We spoke with Brian Ndyaguma, the organisation’s operations manager, to find out a bit more about the project and the tech startup scene in Kampala. He and some of the […]