Jako Olivier, UNESCO Chair for Multimodal Learning at Northwest University, South Africa, and Andreas Rambow, Senior Consultant for Applied Learning Solutions, are co-editing a book on “Aspects of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education: A Global Perspective.” The book will be published by Springer in June of this year. In this book, OER and open education are explored globally through research conducted on this topic.
This book engages with intersections between OER, social justice, equality, and policy in terms of OER. Numerous examples of open praxis are also included, ranging from OER courses to the affordances of artificial intelligence, data-driven learning, and open textbooks in this context. Furthermore, chapters range from providing a broad overview of OER international and regional initiatives in Africa to cases of work done in the USA, New Zealand, Israel, and Hong Kong. The role of Wikipedia and Wikidata is also prominent. Finally, this book includes unique contributions, focusing on OER and feminist pedagogy, as well as disabled learners’ motivations for participating in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
We have received chapter contributions from leading global scholars on OER, and the chapters now have to be peer-reviewed. Each chapter will go through a double-blind peer review and, to this end, Jako Olivier and Andreas Rambow are looking for chapter peer reviewers who have experience with OER in higher education.
In particular, we are looking for individuals who hold a doctoral degree, have used open educational resources in college and university classes, have been involved in the selection or creation of OER, or have conducted and published research on the topic of OER in higher education.
Please signal your interest by sending a brief email to oerproposal@gmail.com

Jako Olivier Ph.D. is a professor in Multimodal Learning at the North-West University (NWU), SouthAfrica and he holds the UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and Open Educational Resources. Email: Jako.Olivier@nwu.ac.za
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jako-olivier-27121820/
Andreas Rambow, Ed.D. is a Senior Consultant for Applied Learning Solutions and an adjunct faculty member at WebsterUniversity, Leiden, Netherlands. He has been instrumental in the move to OER at different universities since 2015. Email: arambow75@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreasrambow/
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