
Tweets of the week Monday, September 3rd – Friday, September 7th 2012

We started the week by tweeting a story by Mike Trucano, the World Bank’s Senior ICT and Education Policy Specialist, in which he looks at “10 trends in technology use in education in developing countries that you may not have heard about”  Is he on point, or are you familiar with these projects? Have your say on the eLearning Africa Facebook group or page. We’d love to hear about the eLearning adventures that are defining education and training practices in your corner of the universe. We have it on good authority that there is eLearning news aplenty across Africa. For one, the World Wide Web Foundation’s 2012 Web Index lists 18 countries in its measure of the “growth, utility and impact on people and nations” that the Internet has had.  Leading the African pack are Tunisia, South Africa, Egypt, Mauritius and Kenya Earlier this year, eLearning Africa published an insightful report on how educators in Africa are adopting eLearning practices.  Click here if you missed it, and do make a mental note to participate in the 2013 survey. The eighth annual eLearning Africa conference and exhibition will take place in Windhoek, Namibia,

We’d love to hear about the eLearning developments you’ve been following online or off!  Get in touch via any or all of the following platforms:

  • The eLearning Africa Facebook group
  • The eLearning Africa LinkedIn group
  • eLearning Africa on Twitter: @eLAConference (#eLA13)
  • And of course, you can fill in the comment box below.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!


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