Conference sneak preview

AfDB Special Session: Scaling Up ICT for Education, Capacity Development and Knowledge Dissemination

Despite considerable advances, many Africans lack the capacities to take advantage of the unique opportunities that will accompany what is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. ITC provides tools that can support faster growth and help increase prosperity. Public-private cooperation and smart public policy are required to deploy ITCs in a way that fosters education, qualification programmes, and learning in general. This session will offer professionals and the general public an inside look into the thoughts and activities of Africa’s foremost financial institution as it endeavours to achieve the goals crucial to the Continent’s march forward.

The event is a special seminar organised by the African Development Bank (AfDB) to explore existing potentials for Africa to scale up ICT for education, capacity building and knowledge dissemination. It will bring together stakeholders in the ICT innovation ecosystem – public, private sector, as well as universities and research institutions. The discussions will focus on common opportunities and challenges for leveraging ICT tools to build capacity for sustainable development. The sectors to be covered by the participants would include, but are not limited to, agriculture and climate change, agriculture and agro business, industrialisation, regional integration, and quality of life in Africa (health, education, and gender). Participants would include senior representatives from Governments, leading think tanks, public and private training institutes, universities and research institutions, and CSOs.

The overall objective of the special seminar is to bring together key stakeholders to discuss the Bank’s key activities in the areas of education and jobs, capacity building, and knowledge dissemination. This will help leverage the stakeholders’ strengths and integrate feedback to improve the Bank’s activities.

Specifically, the presentations will be on:

  1. The Africa Knowledge Hub – a robust virtual knowledge hub where research, knowledge and data can be displayed and shared directly with the public
  2. The Distance and eLearning Initiative – a platform with content on key development issues
  3. The Information and Innovation Lab – to strengthen the youth employment and entrepreneurship ecosystem by incubating and scaling up innovative/disruptive entrepreneurship models.
  4. The Coding for Employment Initiative – an initiative to develop and launch Africa’s next generation of digitally enabled youth through demand-driven ICT trainings in Centres of Excellence across the Continent.
  5. Cost effectiveness and quality of education


  • Jacqueline Odula, Division Manager, Policy Division, African Development Institute
  • Hendrina Doroba, Division Manager, Education, Human Capital and Employment Division, African Development Bank, Ivory Coast
  • Uyoyo Edosio, Senior ICT, Innovation and Digital Skills Expert, African Development Bank, Ivory Coast
  • Foster Ofosu, Senior Capacity Development Officer, African Development Bank, Ivory Coast


Come to eLearning Africa and meet our esteemed speakers and stakeholders in the ICT innovation ecosystem! You can join this special seminar on Thursday, 27 September 2018, from 11:45 – 13:30.

This Session will have simultaneous French/English interpretation.


  1. Dear all, are you streaming this event? And if so, kindly send a link. Best regards, Vibeke

    • Annika Burgess

      Dear Vibeke,
      before all, sorry for the late reply. We have not streamed eLearning Africa this year or in previous years. Hopefully we will stream some moments of the conference, in the next years! Thanks for your interest in eLearning Africa.

  2. Kesseven Padachi

    Looking forward to this presentation
    Interested to learn from the best practices in Digital literacy

    • Annika Burgess

      Dear Kesseven,
      sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the interest in eLearning Africa. Hopefully you could profit from this and all other presentation at Kigali!
      Looking forward to seeing you again at the next eLearning Africa edition 2019.

  3. This is an excellent idea to meet and discuss the issue of ICT in Education for Africa.
    Africa can no longer teach using the old ways and a discussion on how this can happen using ICT is a plus!

    • Annika Burgess

      Dear Lawrence,
      before anything, thanks for your interest in eLearning Africa and sorry for our late reply!
      we are glad to read your opinion and your enthousiasm. ICT development in Africa is grandiose, and we are also very excited about the big possibilities of this 4th revolution!

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