Conference sneak preview

Conference sneak preview

Antelope Safaris to sponsor EAST Challenge

This year, the members of the Mt. Meru EAST Challenge team will be lucky enough to benefit from the services of one of Tanzania’s premier tour operators. Antelope Safaris, has pledged to sponsor the Mt. Meru EAST Challenge – a charity climb in which some truly dedicated people will climb Tanzania’s second highest mountain to raise money for the eLearning Africa Scholarship Trust (EAST).

Conference sneak preview

NATO training chief at eLearning Africa

Lieutenant General Karlheinz Viereck, who is responsible for Joint Force Training at NATO, will be a keynote speaker at eLA 2011. NATO is the world’s biggest military alliance, and its member states spend billions of dollars every year on training, as well as on research and development in the fields of information technology and education. Lt Gen Viereck, who was once nicknamed “the laptop […]

Conference sneak preview

Is the OER movement flawed? Join the debate!

Open Educational Resources (OER) are a very popular issue at eLearning Africa. However, do they really play such a positive role in higher education and at other educational institutions across Africa? The eLearning Africa 2011 Debate, traditionally a very lively, parliamentary-style discussion, will address the following motion: “This house believes that the OER movement is fundamentally flawed because it is based on the false […]

Conference sneak preview

Professor Sugata Mitra to deliver keynote speech at eLearning Africa 2011

Sugata Mitra is currently Professor of Educational Technology at Newcastle University. Considered a pioneer in his field, Professor Mitra is best known for his “Hole In The Wall” experiment, whereby he studied the potential of minimally invasive education by placing an Internet-enabled PC in the wall of an Indian slum, leaving it there for anyone to use. In this interview, Professor Mitra helps us […]

EAST Challenge
Conference sneak preview

eLearning Africa is taking to the hills!

In May this year, just before the eLearning Africa conference, a diverse group of eLearning professionals from across the globe will join their African colleagues to climb Mount Meru, in Tanzania, as part of the EAST Challenge. The aim of the challenge is to raise scholarship funding for low-income African teachers and education professionals to attend the eLearning Africa conference in Dar es Salaam […]

Conference sneak preview

ICT to help Tanzania grow – a country profile

Tanzania recognises the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector as a key accelerator to development. It has made tremendous progress liberalising this sector. Cyber cafés are mushrooming in Tanzanian cities and the Tanzanian government has set itself the ambitious goal to make the East African nation a hub for ICT infrastructure. With the recent landing of two international submarine fibreoptic cables, EASSy and Seacom, […]

Conference sneak preview

Technological innovations at eLearning Africa 2010

  eLearning Africa has once more proved to be a hub for information on how innovative technology can advance the cause of education for all. This year’s conference in Lusaka, Zambia, saw the launch of a new rugged “classmate PC” for school children, featured cost-effective, multi-user computing models and showed how hospitals in Tanzania are using “digital pens” capable of automatically converting handwriting into […]

Conference sneak preview

The eLearning Africa debate – should Africa continue to invest in ICT?

Africa is witnessing a gradual shift towards massive investment in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), thanks to the role of policymakers who are pushing for full regulatory reform for ICTs. Many African leaders have realised that, for any meaningful economic development to occur, technology has to play its part. But the free flow of investment in the sector was slowed down last year, owing […]

Conference sneak preview

The sky is her only limit: Enala Tembo-Mwase

“Most people do not utilise their abilities to the full”, says Dr Enala Tembo-Mwase, Associate Professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zambia, a specialist in eLearning. “But you can achieve anything. Only the sky is the limit.“ Enala Tembo-Mwase has been appointed a coordinator for the eLearning Africa 2010 conference to be held in her home country at the end of […]